A different type of herb-tasting class! Taiwan Local Herb Innovation.
青草的新奇、日常、創造 The novelty, life, and creativity of herbs
When I first received the invitation to teach a class on herbs at a school, I deliberated on the kind of class I wanted to conduct for the students. Eventually, I decided on making "novelty, life, and creativity" the theme of the session. In order to allow students to get into the flow of the class quickly, we did some icebreakers, for that is the easiest way for people to get comfortable with one another, and also an efficient way for students to learn about herbs. In this class, we did not talk about the therapeutic benefits of plants. Instead, the focus was on the personification of plants, global trends in the herbal industry, and the use of herbs in daily life, with an objective of stimulating the students' interest and curiosity in plants.
甦醒溫暖的草香味 Herbs that stir up warm feelings
Unlike farmed vegetables, herbs can either be picked from the wild or domesticated and cultivated. Thus, someone looking for herbs does not have to go all the way to farms; some herbs can be found by the sides of roads. Collecting and recording stories of herb-related memories is a key mission of Herbartist's creative journey. "When I was young, my grandma would prepare a bath for me with some herbs growing in front of her house." "Before and after my time of the month, my mom would make an omelet for me with these herbs." "Every summer, our neighbors would share the herbal tea they made with us." Stories like this are many, and we hope that the scent of the herbs that featured in your growing-up years would not dissipate any time soon!
以植物訂製的日常 Herbs in our daily lives
氣味,是人事物最直接的記憶,用氣味溝通也是最簡單的方式。記得第一次老前輩將這薄荷和甜菊葉採拆給我後,便要我放入嘴裡嚐嚐,那一聲「 WOW 」彷彿醍醐灌頂般的成為我永恆的記憶,同樣的也讓同學們能舉一反三思考日常因青草所帶來的記憶,如同印度有咖哩香、歐美喜歡將花草入茶飲、料理和護膚產品。
Smells are the most straightforward form of memory that can remind us of certain people, objects, or events. As such, communication through scents is the easiest. I remember the first time that an elderly person plucked some mint and stevia leaves for me and asked me to put the folded leaves in my mouth. Upon tasting it, I let out a cry of "Wow!". The sensation blew my mind and left an indelible memory. By replicating what the elderly person has done for me, I inspired the students to think more deeply about memories of their daily lives that are associated with herbs. For instance, the fragrance of curry reminds us of India, while people in Western countries enjoy adding flowers and herbs into their tea, cuisines, and skincare products.
你知道植物也會結痂嗎? Did you know that plants scab too?
Have you ever thought about how people used to communicate and send postcards to one another before papermaking techniques became prevalent? The photograph shows some tarajo holly leaves, which have a thick and leathery surface. If the leaves are scratched lightly with a sharp object, they secrete suberin to prevent bacteria from entering the cuts. Words can thus be formed on the surface of tarajo holly leaves in this process that is akin to the scabbing of wounds.
以台灣原料探尋世界 Explore the world with Taiwanese ingredients
除了分享在旅行中所看見的各種植物創作,例如用中藥做的飾品、西洋香草做出的香包,以台灣在地的素材描繪出屬於國外的氣息,準備了類似歐洲「風熱友」Mulled Wine必備的幾種類似原料,讓同學們以品味、品嚐的方式討論斟酌比例,過於制式的比例、科學萃取所產生的風味雖然完美但總少了情感的連結。因此在進階版的課程中,才以創業模擬的方式帶領同學們打造屬於自己的「Herbal Label」。
We shared about the variety of plant-related creative products we saw during our travels, including ornaments made with traditional Chinese medicinal herbs and scented sachets made with herbs from the West. Thus, we sought to recreate the vibes of other countries with ingredients and materials from Taiwan. We prepared some key ingredients that allowed us to create our own version of European mulled wine, which was made after the students discussed the proportion of each ingredient to be used after a process of tasting and sampling. Standard ratios and flavor distilled scientifically might reap a perfect taste, but such recipes lack an emotional connection after all. This is why, in the advanced course, the students were guided to create their very own "Herbal Label" in a simulation of an entrepreneurship venture.
There is so much to learn about herbs, and it is quite difficult to share a lot with students within just a few hours in class. However, the creative and innovative use of herbs is something that is worth further investigation. Flowers from herbs that are commonly seen along roadsides can be used to make exquisite dried flowers, plant fiber can be turned into fashionable boutique items, and glass museums can even be made in the likeness of plants. These are all examples of the unconventional use of herbs, and they are all astonishing! This connection between herbs and daily life is what Herbartist pursues -- the fusion of herbs and life. We hope that herbs can introduce some warmth to and also set a different mood for us in our day-to-day lives.
#不一樣青草品味課 #青草 #品味 #Herbartist #賣艸人家
#ADifferentHerbTastingClass #herbs #tasting #Herbartist