青草與精油的低奢邂逅  遠離亞健康從美腿開始
The simple luxury of herbs and essential oils, vanquish sub-health by nurturing beautiful legs.



When I was young, I couldn't wrap my mind around this question: What is the difference between herbs and traditional Chinese medicine?

因為同一種植物可以同時兼具中藥及青草的形式。等到長大之後才開始理解原來中藥是青草淬鍊炮製而成的,它是一種 “植物的延伸”,精油也是由植物去提煉精油分子製成!!一樣都是來自青草的療癒,因此嘗試把這兩者之間做一個結合,帶大家認識精油與青草,同時感受精油的低奢及泡腳的療癒放鬆!

The confusion arose because the same plant can be both a sort of traditional Chinese medicine and an herb. It was only after I grew up that I started to understand that traditional Chinese medicine is extracted and concocted from herbs as a form of "plant extension". Similarly, essential oils are also made from refined particles of plants! Since the therapeutic properties of essential oils and herbs can all be attributed to their herbal sources, we attempted to bring them together and share more about them with you. At the same time, we invite you to experience the sense of simple luxury that essential oils can bring you, and also enjoy the soothing and therapeutic effects of a relaxing foot bath!



Do you know what sub-health is?​


Sub-health is an issue that affects almost everybody. Trivial health problems are easily ignored by busy modern city-dwellers, but if they are left alone for a long time, they will gradually affect one's well-being, leading to problems such as physical inflammation and poor immunity that have developed over time. The wealth of information available on the Internet today has enabled all of us to easily find programs and articles that teach us how to take good care of ourselves. When it comes to our own health, what matters most is how you feel!



Don't let swollen calves be a fashion faux pas


As I get older, I am starting to feel that my feet swell up more and more easily after a busy day at work. If I do not soak my feet and raise my legs at the end of the day, I would sense a clear difference the following day! Our limbs are the part of us that are the most easily exposed, so of course we want them to look beautiful!


Ms Dai conducted a sharing session on "Our legs age first before the rest of us; beauty starts with beautiful legs". Besides sharing about the benefits of proper foot acupoint massages, she also expressed her hopes that we can all put our best foot forward and present our beautiful selves confidently.More importantly, we wish to remind all women to enjoy the therapeutic time spent on self-care and cultivate the positive habit of nurturing one's body and soul daily!



Only when we understand our body's equilibrium can we have a clear idea of whether we are in a state of sub-health, and thus heal ourselves. Be your best companion when you take a bath using our herbal bath sachet. Heal yourself and restore balance in both body and soul!


 ↑ 點擊照片直接觀看活動回顧~~青草/精油/藝術 三者結合的舒壓日活動!

↑Click on the photos directly to watch a recap of the event ~~
Bringing together herbs, essential oils, and art in this Relaxation Day event!



product product
帶著走訂製浴桶 Mini Bathtub
再十分鐘就好 女人的腿永遠不夠美   給四處旅行出差的妳、無浴缸但很需要泡腳的妳、北漂或者飄出國 工作讀書的妳 ⚠水量建議 8分滿 ⚠溫度建議 <60°C ⚠輕巧好收納、快乾不佔空間 ✪ Expand Size: 30x20cm ✪ Fold Size: 27x13x7cm ✪ Capacity: 15L/per ✪ Heat Resistance: 60°C ✪ Materials: water-proof PVC inner, water repellent Oxford outer ✪ Storage bag is included.