product product
淡香精油驅蚊露 Light Hydrosol Perfume 10ml
10ml / 瓶 ✪ 天然植物萃取 ✪ 零添加化學有害物質 ✪ 親膚無粘膩感 成分: 檸檬香茅精油 Lemongrass Essential Oil 尤加利精油 Eucalyptus Essential Oil 艾草純露 Wormwood Hydrosol 茶樹純露 Tea Tree Hydrosol 檸檬桉醇 p-Menthane-3,8-diol,PMD
product product
淡香精油驅蚊露 Light Hydrosol Perfume 30ml
✪ 天然植物萃取 ✪ 零添加化學有害物質 ✪ 親膚無粘膩感 成分: 檸檬香茅精油 Lemongrass Essential Oil 尤加利精油 Eucalyptus Essential Oil 艾草純露 Wormwood Hydrosol 茶樹純露 Tea Tree Hydrosol 檸檬桉醇 P-Menthane-3.8-diol,PMD
product product
淡香精油驅蚊露禮盒組 Light Hydrosol Perfume
✪ 天然植物萃取 ✪ 零添加化學有害物質 ✪ 親膚無粘膩感 成分: 檸檬香茅精油 Lemongrass Essential Oil 尤加利精油 Eucalyptus Essential Oil 艾草純露 Wormwood Hydrosol 澳洲茶樹純露 Tea Tree Hydrosol 檸檬桉醇 P-Menthane-3.8-diol,PMD
product product
天然淨化艾草條 Wormwood Stick
成分:艾草絨、白棉紙 Ingredients : Wormwood floss, white cotton paper 使用說明:純天然艾草絨緊密壓製,可用於空間淨化與驅除蚊蟲,環保白棉紙細煙裊 裊友善環境,單支約可連續燃燒三至四小時,視空間大小可裁剪小段使用,保持通風 乾燥處使用與存放即可。 Instructions : The natural wormwood floss is tightly compressed and can be used for space purification and mosquito repellent. The eco- friendly white cotton paper produces fine smoke that is gentle on the environment.Each stick can burn continuously for approximately 3 to 4 hours. It can also be cut into smaller sections depending on the size of the space. Use and store in a well-ventilated and dry place. 注意事項:孕婦與三月以下嬰幼童避免使用 Caution:Pregnant women and infants under three months old should avoid use.